About Us

Our Journey
In 2015, we released the hit documentary film, PlantPure Nation, in over 100 theaters. It's now available through streaming services including Amazon Prime and iTunes. The film was a hit, but PlantPure was just getting started. With the goal to help more people experience the benefits of a whole food, plant-based lifestyle, we launched a line of healthy plant-based food products.
We started in the retail channel and then innovated our way to a one-of-a-kind food line that will enable us to sell directly to health-conscious consumers across the US. Our Meal Starters make living plant-based delicious, easy, and affordable.
We must think big if we’re going to heal our world.
To build a plant-based world, we must include everyone. We're focused now on successfully launching our Meal Starters, but once we have achieved a more sustainable position, we're going to pursue an important part of our founding vision.
We're committed to waiving profits from our Meal Starters to make them as affordable as possible for people struggling with food insecurity and/or lacking access to affordable healthy food options. We intend to test strategies for reaching these communities, and once we find one or more that work, we'll expand this effort nationwide.