Free PlantPure Challenge Giveaways
Congratulations on deciding to participate in the PlantPure Challenge! To help you on your plant-based journey, please accept these free gifts from PlantPure and our PlantPure Challenge sponsors. Below you will find downloadable guides, videos, digital magazine, online courses and more. Click on the title of the gift to access it, and make sure to bookmark this page and come back, because we are constantly adding more gifts. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at
Access tips on how to transition to a whole food, plant-based lifestyle.
PlantPure, Inc.
Naked Food Magazine, the voice of the PlantPure Movement, is a digital and print publication where you will find lots of useful information about whole food, plant-based nutrition.
Naked Food Magazine
Use this printable form to find meal and snack ideas, as well as add ideas for the whole family.
Terri Edwards
Salad dressings without added oil are a delicious and satisfying way to add flavor to your salad without adding mega calories and fat. Oil - even olive oil - is 100% fat and 120 calories per tablespoon! Most of these dressings include some fat in its preferred whole-food from, such as nuts, seeds, avocado, tofu or olives. This helps boost absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E & K in your
salad. If it doesn’t, just add a small amount of one of these ingredients to your salad bowl.
Stephanie Leach
This short 2-minute video discusses the basic of a whole food, plant-based diet.
PlantPure, Inc.
Learn tips on how to enjoy outdoor activities during the Summer the plant-based way.
Heather Rittgers
Almost one out of 10 people in the U.S. have diabetes, one out of three has pre-diabetes, and a large percentage of people don’t know they have it. Do you have diabetes? Do you have pre-diabetes? Do any of your family members have it? Are you wondering if you have it and don’t know? Have you heard that a low carb diet is the best for diabetes? That portion control is the best approach? That the key is to avoid sugars? That exercise is key? Are you wondering how a plant-based diet can can help with diabetes? Do you want to know what you need to be careful about, and if there are any risks for diabetics on a plant-based diet? Find out the answers to these questions and learn the myths and the truths from John Vargas Eddy, who knows first hand about diabetes. He is the co-founder of E4 Diabetes Solutions, an organization focused on defeating diabetes one bite at a time.TM E4 Diabetes Solutions has a team of experts with more than 100 years of combined experience in nutrition, functional medicine, and battling diabetes.
E4 Diabetes Solutions