About Us

Our Journey
In 2015, we released the hit documentary film, PlantPure Nation in over 100 theaters. It's now available through streaming services including Amazon Prime, iTunes and YouTube. The film was a hit, but PlantPure was just getting started. With the goal to help more people experience the benefits of a whole food, plant-based lifestyle, we launched a line of food products and other educational programming.
We must think big if we’re going to heal our world.
We’re certainly thinking big at PlantPure. We recognize that a plant-based world must include everyone. For too long, information on nutrition and health has bypassed the very communities where our epidemic of chronic disease is most severe. To make matters worse, these communities often lack access to affordable healthy foods.
We’re committed to waiving profits from our meal starter products to make them as affordable as possible for people struggling with food insecurity and/or lacking access to affordable healthy food options. We’re testing strategies to reach these folks, and once we find one or more that work, we'll expand this effort nationwide.
Our goal is to build a plant-based world as quickly as possible, leaving no one behind.
We invite you to help make our dream a reality. Whenever you sit down to a delicious meal prepared from one of our meal starters, you can know that you are healing not only yourself but also helping to bring healing to where it’s needed most.
Thank you for your support!
Nelson Campbell
CEO, PlantPure