"7 years ago I was have trouble when running (I've always been a runner and have run 5 marathons). I went to my doctor who sent me to the hospital for an angiogram. Turns out I had one artery that was 80% blocked. I received 2 stents in 2 different arteries and was put on cholesterol medication, blood thinners, high blood pressure medicine and a baby aspirin. I always thought I ate well so I didn't understand how this could happen. Unfortunately what I thought was a good diet was pretty bad. I ate grilled chicken, added lot's of olive oil to my food and ate red meat and pork on occasion.
I continued on this path for a year and finally decided this was no way to live. I searched the net for answers and found them through several websites like Engine 3, Plant Pure Nation and NutritionFacts.org. I started on my WFPB diet and stayed on it for 6 months when I went to my semi annual cardiologist check up. When he came in and started looking at my blood test results I told him what I was doing with my diet and why I was doing it (to get off all meds). He quickly turned to me and told me that I have heart disease and will always have it and said "you haven't stopped taking your meds have you?" I told him no, I just wanted to see how my blood test results were affected by my diet. He went back to reviewing my results and said "Oh my, your HDL makes mine look bad...your LDL is way too low, stop the Crestor now!" Turns out my LDL was 35. I not only stopped the Crestor, but all medications.
I continued leaning form the websites and now go to see my cardiologist on an annual basis rather than semi-annual. My last visit was spent by answering questions from my cardiologist about how I made the changes since they seemed so tough. During my last annual physical, my family doctor simply said, "Whatever you're doing, keep it up. your tests look great."
I will turn 62 in September and am running 4-6 miles on the tread mill before work in the mornings (week days) and running between 7 and 10 miles each day on the weekends. I could run more but I just run out of time.”
- Jeff McVicker, Williamsburg, OH
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