Benji Kurtz and the Remedy Food Project

Some of you may already have heard of Benji Kurtz, founder of the Remedy Food Project. Maybe you ran across his book, The Plant Advantage, or you attended the first Food=Medicine Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, last November. 

If you haven’t heard of him, he’s definitely someone you should learn a bit more about. After watching Forks Over Knives in May 2013, Kurtz wholeheartedly embraced a whole-food, plant-based diet, going on to lose more than half his body weight and normalizing all of his biometrics. This transformation led him to found the Remedy Food Project (formerly the Alliance to Repair the American Diet). 

Kurtz’s Remedy Food Project was developed specifically to aid those who are working to take back control of their health. The project offers a 21-day program for those interested in using food to heal their bodies. Participants will get fresh produce, freshly prepared meals (three a day), plenty of information and education on how to choose and prepare meals, and ongoing support in making the move to a whole-food, plant-based diet a permanent one.

Kurtz held his first Food=Medicine Conference in Atlanta last November; it hosted 18 speakers, including Nelson Campbell, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Michael Greger, and Dr. Thomas Campbell. Participants enjoyed plant-based meals three times a day, with unlimited healthy snacks in between. Celebrity personal trainer John Pierre offered fitness boot camps in the mornings, and attendees got to network with other whole-food, plant-based doctors, dietitians, and other health professionals.

The Remedy Food Project already has two events slated for 2016, including a conference in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 17–19. Speakers at this event include Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Chef AJ, Dr. Richard Oppenlander, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Michael Greger, and Lindsay Nixon, author of the Happy Herbivore cookbook series. A smaller, more intimate one-day event on June 26 in Topanga, California, features Chef AJ and Glen Merzer, contributing writer of Mad Cowboy.


Kurtz has several new projects up his sleeve; for more, keep an eye out for the premier issue of PlantPure Magazine, coming in March, in which Health Editor Jo Gustafson interviews Kurtz and gets the skinny on what he’s got in the works. Kurtz also has a local support group that is part of our PlantPure Pod community in Atlanta, which you can check out at


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