Exciting NEW Program Coming 1/1/2019!

On January 1, 2019 we are launching the PlantPure Health & Weight Loss Online Seminar.  A comprehensive yet straight forward educational program such as this has been needed for a long time.  It was designed for people who have not even heard about the plant-based diet, but are intrigued at the prospect of better health and lower weight by eating smarter and adapting a healthier lifestyle.  Participants learn at their own pace and progress through five modules, each delivered on video.  

The new site is at: www.PlantPureHealthandWeightLoss.com

With expert appearances, video testimonials, and animated graphics, the seminar was designed to be both entertaining and educational, created by the producer of the hit documentary films PlantPure Nation and Forks Over Knives.  The seminar program also includes an optional Certificate of Completion, for those who elect to take short quizzes after each video.  

Participants also receive by mail (and online), a full color companion workbook with helpful tips, checklists and recipes.  Special discounts on delicious delivered PlantPure food and lab testing also come with the seminar.  

The modules take about an hour each and include: 

What is the Standard American Diet? presented by Laurie Marbas M.D. 

The Science Behind the Plant-Based Diet presented by Dr. James Marcum Cardiologist and M.D.

Beginning the Transition presented by PlantPure Health Coach Laura Dietrich.

Shopping and Cooking presented by cookbook author and chef Kim Campbell.

The Plant-Based Community presented by PlantPure Communities founder Nelson Campbell (Director, PlantPure Nation).