Get Inspired at a Farmers' Market!

moerschy / Pixabay

There’s nothing like the taste of the freshest fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices to make even the simplest dishes more exciting and delicious, and a farmers’ market is one of the best places to find these ingredients. If you haven’t been to a farmers’ market recently, why not plan a trip with friends or family this weekend?  You can find vegetables or herbs you may never have thought of buying before, and you’ll also pick up recipe and cooking tips from both the farmers and their customers. You’ll be supporting small farmers and other small local businesses as well, while relaxing and having fun. You’re likely to find music, arts and crafts, and maybe a lot more, like we did on a recent Saturday: At the farmers’ market in Mint Hill, North Carolina, we found nature-painted gourds, homemade soap, handmade jewelry and fresh herbal teas, and we were entertained by a country music jam session, a gold-panning demonstration, and free admission to an old-time doctor’s museum.

Once you’re home, having fun together preparing meals with what you bought at the market makes it easier for the whole family to stay motivated to start or maintain a healthy whole-food, plant-based lifestyle.

Not sure where your closest farmers’ markets are? The USDA maintains a very helpful, extensive list:


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