The Challenges of Adopting a WFPB Diet, Part 5

Here are the last two topics in our series detailing the challenges people face when they adopt a WFPB diet:

The convenience and low cost of fast foods
It seems like every day we’re bombarded with ads for new contenders in the “cheap and easy” segment of the fast-food market. It’s a veritable avalanche of “dollar menu” this and “family value pack” that.

But consider what you’re really paying for when buying these foods. You’re harming your health and that of your family, enriching agribusiness, aiding and abetting severe environmental damage and animal suffering. When you look at it in this broader context, the price of fast food is really very high—indeed far more than we can afford. As for convenience, more and more fast-food restaurants offering healthier menus are popping up all the time, and even some of the bigger established chains are adding healthier options. The best solution is to stop consuming all fast foods. But if you can’t, at least be selective about where you get your fast food, and/or what you order from your old standby.

The high cost of eating a plant-based diet
This is one of the biggest myths out there. A hundred pounds of beans, rice or corn is a lot less expensive than a hundred pounds of meat. Go down the list of plant-based foods, and you’ll find the same thing in almost every case compared to animal-based foods. As a shopper, you’ll need to be selective about what you buy. This may be a little challenging when you first start your plant-based diet, but it will soon become like second nature. The bottom line is that eating plant-based is a win-win for you, the planet, and your budget.

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.