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British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Your Credibility Is Tarnished: an update from the PlantPure Nation Newsletter (2/6/17)

Many of you may have already heard about the BBC film debacle involving my father, but I am sure at least an equal number of you have not, so I thought I would go ahead with this newsletter article. For decades, I have watched my father get unfairly skewered by his opponents.  I am notRead more The post British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Your Credibility Is Tarnished: an update from the PlantPure Nation Newsletter (2/6/17) appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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Welcome to PlantPure Nation

Thank you for visiting our website. We have developed an innovative strategy for launching and powering a grassroots movement. We believe that people working together can fix one of the most serious problems of our time, and in the process, demonstrate a way forward for solving many of our other pressing problems. We often look up to people and institutions to lead us from a distance.  But if we want to take back our future, perhaps we ought to stop looking up, and start looking within and around ourselves for solutions. Importantly, this movement does not depend upon my father (Dr. Colin Campbell), me or any other person or small group of people.  It will derive its power from all the...

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