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Birthdays: Plant-Based Style

Staying plant-based on birthdays can be tricky!  First, if you are the parent of a child and it is their birthday, you may not want to dictate a whole food, plant-based dinner.  But, if it is you or a loved one who is already plant-based, then it is both easy and fun to create a special celebration. Here are several ideas to try:

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Planning...the key to success!

As you begin to make whole food, plant-based (WFPB) eating part of your new lifestyle, a key skill that needs to be sharpened is learning to plan.  In the past as a SAD (Standard American Diet) eater, you might have run to a drive-thru or popped a frozen pizza in the microwave when you were hungry. The problem is that these habits harm your health and well-being. 

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Recipes That Make Lots of Leftovers

When it comes to the hectic nature of our lives, many people feel like, on a scale of one to 10, they’re at an 11. If that describes you, the thought of cooking a meal every night may seem like a daunting, if not impossible task. Fortunately, whether you like to batch cook all your meals for the week on the weekends or only have time to cook one or two nights each week, there are several whole food, plant-based meal ideas out there that will leave you with lots of delicious leftovers

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Helping Kids Try a Plant-Based Diet

Whether you were a picky eater as a child or not, chances are if you are a parent, you have dealt with the struggle of trying to get a child to eat a certain food. If your kids have grown up eating the Standard American Diet or basically any other diet besides a whole food plant-based one, chances are that they will be at least a little reluctant to try some of the new foods and this new way of eating. 

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A Testimonial From PlantPure Challenge Winners Mark & Jacqui Russett

Three years ago, Mark and I decided to live a plant-based lifestyle... and we did it overnight. We are so passionate about what we have learned, that we want to do our part in spreading this information. This is why we started Plant-Based University ( Our hope is to help those who wish to learn and transition into the plant-based lifestyle.

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A Testimonial From PlantPure Challenge Winner Sharyn Councell

"I've been a strict vegan for many years, and at first I lost a lot of weight.  Then over the past few years, my weight crept back up197lbs to be exact. So I'm struggling along using my fitness pal counting every calorie. Losing weight was such a struggle..."

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A Testimonial From PlantPure Challenge Winner Richard Hubbard

"I lost 150 pounds and have kept it off for almost 5 years now. Initially, I lost the weight because I did not want to be put on blood pressure medication. This helped me learn about what foods I put in my body and what foods to avoid eating in my quest to lower my blood pressure..."

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The Protein-Combining Myth

Recently, my daughter received all of her textbooks before heading off to college this fall.  A required class for first year students is Health.  She started reading through the book and was surprised that they said to approach a plant-based diet with ‘caution’ because you had to watch your nutrients very closely.  They also referred to the “importance of combining vegetarian proteins during a meal to get a complete protein.”  The amazing thing is that this book was published in 2015!  

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