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Instant Pot Thai Green Curry Risotto

Instant Pot Thai Green Curry Risotto   Creamy smooth risotto infused with the flavors of Thai green curry takes the idea of risotto to a whole new level. This Asian risotto is packed with not just an assortment of fresh vegetables, but has a harmonious balance of powerhouse flavors!   The Instant Pot is the easiest way to pull off this meal quickly and easily.  If you don't have a pressure cooker, no problem, I'll include directions for both. Enjoy!  Sign up to receive the recipe and grocery list a week before each LIVE show so you can cook along with Chef Kim. Prep time:  20 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes Serves: 3-4 Kitchen Tools Large Skillet with cover Instant Pot (not necessary but highly recommended) Wooden spoons ...

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