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Coffee and Creamer

Coffee and health is controversial for some, and not a topic I am addressing here.  However, if you want to know more about coffee and your health, you might want to check out an article by Dr. Michael Greger at Rather than addressing the health issue, this blog is about creamers!

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Top 5 Healthy Hydration Tips

These days, it seems like everyone is telling us to drink more water and the importance of staying hydrated. The more water you drink, the more energy you have and the better you feel, even increasing productivity at work. There are apps for your smart phone and stickers for your water bottle that help you drink more water and gauge how hydrated you are. However, no matter how much we try, it can be hard to know how much water is the right amount to drink. While there is no magic number or perfect number of glasses to have per day, here are the top 5 healthy hydration tips to help you throughout your day.

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All About Rhubarb!

When I was growing up, my family had a large garden in our backyard.  One of the flavors I remember that makes my mouth salivate even now is the taste of my mom’s rhubarb crunch!  Rhubarb, when prepared as a dessert, has a sweet, tangy flavor that makes your taste buds tingle! We had two large rhubarb plants that came up every year that we would use to make wonderful family favorites.  I still see rhubarb at some grocery stores and farmer’s markets, but many people have never tasted it and have no idea what to do with it. It has a beautiful crimson, red stalk and large green leaves. The edible portion is the stalk as the leaves are...

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Birthdays: Plant-Based Style

Staying plant-based on birthdays can be tricky!  First, if you are the parent of a child and it is their birthday, you may not want to dictate a whole food, plant-based dinner.  But, if it is you or a loved one who is already plant-based, then it is both easy and fun to create a special celebration. Here are several ideas to try:

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A Testimonial From PlantPure Challenge Winner Sharyn Councell

"I've been a strict vegan for many years, and at first I lost a lot of weight.  Then over the past few years, my weight crept back up197lbs to be exact. So I'm struggling along using my fitness pal counting every calorie. Losing weight was such a struggle..."

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A Testimonial From PlantPure Challenge Winner Richard Hubbard

"I lost 150 pounds and have kept it off for almost 5 years now. Initially, I lost the weight because I did not want to be put on blood pressure medication. This helped me learn about what foods I put in my body and what foods to avoid eating in my quest to lower my blood pressure..."

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The Protein-Combining Myth

Recently, my daughter received all of her textbooks before heading off to college this fall.  A required class for first year students is Health.  She started reading through the book and was surprised that they said to approach a plant-based diet with ‘caution’ because you had to watch your nutrients very closely.  They also referred to the “importance of combining vegetarian proteins during a meal to get a complete protein.”  The amazing thing is that this book was published in 2015!  

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A Testimonial From PlantPure Challenge Winner Nancy Matthews

"Hi! My name is Nancy Mathews, and I’m 53 years young. I’ve been whole food plant based since March 1st, 2012. My journey began when I gained 60 pounds after quitting smoking. One addiction led to another. I ate everything not nailed down. I was also 40 pounds +/- overweight when I quit smoking. I felt terrible, I was short of breath, out of shape, all my joints hurt plus I was starting the menopause journey...

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Building School Lunches

Building school lunches was an important task when getting our kids off to school.  As busy working parents, we came up with a variety of simple ideas that were quick and easy to put together.  Eventually the kids took over and have since reminded me of the ‘formula’ I used when teaching them to build their own lunches. 

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